Monday, December 30, 2013

Ending of 2013


Time really really flies! It's almost 2014, marking the end of 2013.. At this current juncture, what are your thoughts about the new year? Many would have tried to come up with a list of new year resolutions and doing reflections on the current year and setting new goals for the new year. Are you also one of them who would do so?

I guess it's good to reflect on the past as for all you know, you might be able to learn something from there. So since it is just one day away from counting down to 2014, maybe you would like to take some time to reflect and come up with new year resolutions? :)

For me personally, the new year will means we are getting older:( Sad case. Now I know what people meant by once you reach 21, the rest of the years after that will zoom by extremely fast! I seriously have no idea how I survived through, how I spent my days, etc... One word to describe - Scaryyyy..

Basically, if you ask me, I feel that year 2013 had been a year with ups and downs. But I am glad that eventually, everything turns out well. I survived through the tiring part-time studies regime with the extremely close projects deadlines. I had finally completed my degree studies and is waiting for the graduation in around Aug 2014! In 2013, there are people whom I had gotten closer with , as well as those that I had drifted away from. Like some people say, life is like a bus ride. In a bus ride, there will always be those who will board the bus halfway, some who will alight somewhere, as well as some who will accompany you to the end. Even though some might alight halfway, they also taught you something in the process. As such, I am thankful for those people who had come into my life, especially those who stayed:)

I actually have yet to come up with my list of new year resolutions.. Hmm.. Should really start working on that!

Nonetheless, I hope that the year 2014 is a good year for everyone! :)

Saturday, December 28, 2013

Post-Christmas Celebration at d' Good Cafe

Girls' night out to d' Good Cafe :)

The cafe is really a great place to chill and catch up with friends with the chillax ambience. The location is also easily accessible, within walking distance from Holland Village MRT (Exit from exit B). However, they do not accept reservations and the place usually gets crowded at night usually after work. The cafe had two levels of seating area which is divided into 4 concepts - The Bar, The Lawn, The Attic and The Balcony!
Credits: D Good Cafe Website

While we were there, we occupied the tables at The Attic Area where they actually have a small area consisting of 2 beanie cushions with 3 large teddy bears! Cosy corner and interesting indeed! Pictures of it below:

The concepts are just so nice:) I will definitely re-visit this cafe again next time. Love it!

Should you be interested to visit this café, their details are as shown below:
Address: 273 Holland Avenue #02-01/02 Singapore 278992
Operating Hours:
Sunday to Thursday: 10am to 10pm
Friday & Saturday: 10am to 11pm

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Christmas BBQ (14 Dec 2013)

Held a BBQ session for Christmas on 14 Dec 2013 (Saturday). We actually played Secret Santa, drawing lots to see who is the person we should get a gift for. HAHA!

However, I actually encountered a "once in a lifetime" experience, which is bbq-ing in the rain! We had just started the fire a while back and a few minutes later, it started raining. Initially we still held umbrellas while trying to bbq, but eventually the rain was too heavy until we gave up and pack up and seek for shelter. Lucky for us, the rain managed to subside, becoming more of a drizzle and we are able to continue:)

My Secret Santa! I actually guessed correctly at the first try. HEHE.
Thanks for the great awesome gift! Love it lots! :)

I am his secret santa! HAHA

With that, I am going to end this post here! Merry Christmas! :)

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Drama Drama

Recent drama which I had finished watching include the Korean drama "Who Are You". Nice nice ghost romance drama!! :) But as I don't really watch horror shows, I got a little shock while watching the first episode. Haha! But subsequently it was not too bad since I know what to expect.

The synopsis of the drama goes like this:
The women in the middle, woke up from a 6 year long coma and realised that she is able to see spirits. She is working together with the man on the right who only believes in solid evidence. And as the story goes, the two detectives come to understand each other as they try to help the spirits who are attached to objects at the lost and found centre rest in peace.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Yay to exams over!!

Wow didn't realise that it had been so long since I last blogged, which is like in August? Haha. Have been quite busy with work and projects and exams..

But then finally... exams are over!! It's time for some personal time for resting and to have more sleeeeppppp! It's been so long since I last slept in on weekends:P

But wells, have to wait for the results also.. Not sure how I will fare in this final semester. Hopefully can clear and I will be free from exams and projects! Heh heh heh!

Saturday, August 31, 2013

Project Happy Feet

Me and my colleagues actually applied to volunteer for the Happy Feet Slipper Race 2013 as Goodie Bag Distributor on a Saturday. And somemore early in the morning. We actually have to reach East Coast Park at 7.30am. Since it's super early, we decided to share a cab down instead. I will be flagging the cab before proceeding to pick up my colleagues!

It's pretty funny how we didn't complain about the timing of the volunteer work when we first applied for it. I guess we are too steady liao! HAHAHA! While discussing on the timing to meet and stuff, we then started complaining why we applied for this instead of other positions with better timing. But wells, what's done is done anyway:P

Even though we applied to volunteer for the Goodie Bag Distribution, at the end of the event, there's quite a number of goodie bags remaining, and we even have to take the items out and sort in into the carton boxes! But vverall, it was not too bad except for the weather being too hot! We walked quite a distance after the event to get out from there. Lucky that we stop for McDonalds first. Otherwise all of us will have no more strength to walk on! HAHA.

Given another opportunity to volunteer for such events, I would say that high chance I will still opt to go for it! :) I really missed the volunteering for YOG previously. Had a lot of fun during that period!! 

All the crazy things we do!

Met up with my Shirr and YZ on Friday (30 Aug 2013) after work for movie and dinner! :) Considered the last meetup before Shirr goes back to UK.

We went for the movie "The Mortal Instruments". It's a really really nice movie, definitely worth catching. After watching that movie, I am even tempted to buy the books to read! Hehehe.

Take a look at the preview of the movie below:

The photos we took during dinner:)

Me & Shirr! <3

 Look at how big the bowl is! Hahahahaha! 

So gonna miss Shirr when she go back to UK. Only can get to see her in another one year! But she will be graduating next year so that means she will be coming back to Singapore alreaady. We can have all the time to meet up regularly by then:) YAY!!!!

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Updates for Dinner & Dance 2013

Finally, the updates for the company dinner and dance 2013! Hehe.

Well, this is the first time I am actually attending a company D&D event. Previous company do not have such events. Theme for this year is retro! 

Some photos taken on that day: 

We had fun over at the event even though did not win the big prizes. Haha. Wasted. I would want the iPad mini or either the instax camera :P 

And of course not forgetting the second round after the D&D! Not gonna talk about it here. But I did enjoyed myself very much! Lucky to have such great and awesome colleagues!! :) 

Friday, August 23, 2013

Updates Updates and more Updates!

Have been sometime since I last updated my blog. Heh heh. Too busy with rushing project assignments and assignment due dates. And this is only the first part. There's still second part to all the project assignments. OMG!! Can't wait to finish my studies and just graduate! Saw people posting photos of their graduation convocation. Envy! Haha. Hopefully everything goes well and next year will be my turn le:)

Some of the updates recently below. Will be updating a separate post regarding D&D. HAHAHA!!

6 August 2013 (Tuesday)
Met up with Shirr in the evening after work for movie - "Red2" and dinner! Some of the photos we took:

19 August 2013 (Monday)

Went to Moo Bar & Grill with KT during lunch (1 for 1 on Main Courses)! I had the Moo Big Breakfast set.

22 August 2013 (Thursday)
Went to "Supperman" for lunch! Will definitely go there again:) Overall, I felt that the ambience and layout of the place is not bad! When we went there, we were actually being seated in front of the television, and it's showing "Running Man". So lunch was filled with chattings and laughter about the show:) The food was alright. But it might take some time before the dishes are served cuz they actually prepared the food upon customers' orders to ensure food are served hot and fresh!

This is how the place looks like from the outside:)

Was just looking through their website and stumbled across something interesting - the origin of this bistro and bar! They got this idea when 3 good friends were having supper together, and supper is an informal meal, usually eaten with families and friends. So they set up this bistro and bar to provide a place for families and friends to gather and have western cuisine at an affordable price! 

This place is definitely a great place for chilling and catching up with friends after work over drinks and food! 

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Updates - 19 July 2013 & 20 July 2013: Dad's Birthday!!

Celebration of my daddy's birthday:) Actually I have lesson that day, but skipped as we had planned a surprise party for him, which we had invited my dad's friend and my aunt. My daddy was not aware of the party. A few days before his birthday, he actually jio us watch the movie, Pacific Rim. He asked us whether will we be free to watch on 18 Jul (1 day before his birthday). I then say I got class. When he say watch on 19 Jul (his birthday), I replied that I also have class on that day even though I know I won't be going for that class! Hahaha! Too bad I can't tell him the truth. Otherwise will spoil the surprise. But we are glad that the surprise was a success on that day! :)

But anyway since my dad really wanted to watch the movie, Pacific Rim, we decided to watch it with him on Saturday midnight! Really nice movie:) 

I hope he really enjoyed his birthday this year! :)

Friday, July 12, 2013

The 5 Stages Of Having A Crush | Thought Catalog

The 5 Stages Of Having A Crush | Thought Catalog

Stumbled upon this while browsing through Thought Catalog (Link above)..
But it's kinda true. Crushes can be sucky. The grief stages also is true to a certain extent I guess.. This article really makes you think through.. :)

Even though most will follow through the stages in the article, but I think my own version of grief stages for crushes is as follows. It includes some details in the article, with additions, as well as exclusions

1. Denial
I won't ever tell my crush that I like him. Reason being that I am afraid that telling him might results in awkward friendships (if you are friends with your crush). Yes, keeping your feelings deep down might be really sucky, but to prevent awkwardness, I will still continue to not him know and act as per normal. Even though when you know that he might not like you more than friends.

2. Depression
Next stage: Depression. When you finally come into the realization that it's impossible between both of you. Then even though you are keeping it together in front of everyone, you feel sucky inside.

3. Acceptance
Last stage will be acceptance, when you come into terms with the impossible. Yes it might be shocking that the sadness only lasts for a while. And you will be thinking is it because you do not really like him. But after that, there's a chance that you might sink into this process again (all over again from stage 1). But I hope not!


Start of School Hell :(

Finally the start of school... Final semester! And I have to ensure the continuous 9 days of school (excluding sunday), starting from 11 July all the way to 20 July...

Wish me luck on this. Lol! But seriously, it's going to be quite hectic and tiring as we will have work in the morning and then proceed for classes at night.
I think I will be in zombie mode next week le....

Updates - 09 July 2013 (Tuesday)

Finally met up with Shirr who just came back from UK during her school holidays! Didn't get to see her for almost 1 year:(
One day when she was in UK, she whatsapp me to tell me that we have known each other for so many years already. When we went to count, really, it's been so long. I hope that we will stay this close always! <3

We went for the movie, "The Heat". Freaking hilarious especially the mixed up identity because of the hair. We laughed damn hard of that part as it was rather unexpected. I seriously don't mind watching it again. I also don't mind watching it lots of times. It's a really great show to watch if you are feeling stressed or feeling down. I guess it will help in lifting your mood:)

Trailer of the movie below:

Updates - Despicable Me 2 Movie (4 July 2013)

Went for Despicable Me 2 movie with my colleagues on 4 July 2013 (Thursday). :)

Awesome and simply funny movie! I am starting to have a soft spot for them.. Awwwwww:P
Watching this movie made me hooked to this cute cute song by them: "Underwearrr"! 

Like like like:)

Sunday, July 7, 2013

River Safari (30 Jun 2013)

Went to River Safari with colleagues as they had gotten the corporate pass! :) It was actually raining early in the morning on that day that we thought we are so unlucky. Of all days, it had to rain on the day when we arranged to go there! But in the end, we are all glad for the rainy weather early in the morning. Because of the rain in the morning, when we arrived at River Safari, it was not really hot and humid. Instead it was those cooling kind! So overall, we all had fun! :D

We also went to the "MAMA PANDA KITCHEN" and tried the limited quantity Panda shaped red-bean baos! 

Sunday, June 30, 2013

Crazy MAC Hello Kitty Craze

I did a crazy thing this month. Queuing for hello kitty at McDonalds!! But it is not because I want the kitty. I queued for my mum. It is the last kitty of the collection and she wants it. So there I was queuing for her. The thing was, when I reached the McDonalds, there were already people queuing up outside for the kitty. Apparently they started queuing from 8pm! In the end, we bought quite a number of kitties on behalf of my friends, and my mum's friends as well.

My colleague also came to join me in the queue a while after I queued. He wanted to get that for his girlfriend. He says that her girlfriend never request for him to get that particular kitty which she liked, but as his girlfriend only liked that kitty, he is willing to queue for her and buy it for her. Says the guy who states otherwise when we say he is one who will treat his partner very good, and dote on her. Hahahaha!

But even though the wait is long, we finally got the kitties, and all of us is happy! :)

Updates Thus Far...

Farewell to RX, my "Opposite Colleague"
19 Jun marks the last day of one of my colleague, RX. Gonna miss him:( Need to thank him for all the advises and help since I first joined the company. Looking forward to seeing him at Jes's wedding! Hahaha.

We went to New Harbour Cafe & Bar for his farewell lunch, located at 114 Tanjong Pagar Road.

The New Harbour Cafe & Bar

 It was recommended to us because of their Crispy Crackling Roast Pork. We ordered the Roast Pork to share, and it was really nice! Super crispy too!!

We really enjoyed ourselves there, with the good food and nice chilling atmosphere. However, the experience turned into a bad one, when one of my colleague realized that the tomato bottle had "maggots-like" creatures crawling inside when we are done with our meal and just sitting around chatting. We highlighted that to the waiter, and they seem like they don't believe us even though we pointed out to the waiter. Another waitress even brought out a bowl when she stated that she had poured out the ketchup and found nothing there. Hello?! We highlighted that the maggots is on top of the Ketchup. If she pour out, sure will cover those maggots and not find anything right? We really regretted not taking a photo of the evidence. When we see those maggots inside, we also shocked already.. And what makes us even more angry is that she told us that we should have tell them while we are eating, and not after we are done with our meal. THE THING IS, we also found out after eating. Crazy attitude from the staff seriously. We found out and tell them, they still give us this kind of attitude? Not even an apology is given. Well, even though the food is not bad, especially their Roast Pork, I will never never go back there ever again.

Celebrate Yvonne's Birthday
Met up to celebrate Yvonne's birthday on 24 Jun. Had dinner at Seoul Yummy (Bugis Plus), a Korean casual dining place.

Hope she will stay happy always:)

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Fabulous Boys! :)

Recently had also finished watching this drama, the Japanese version. Not a bad show after all:) Started watching this drama as I had come across the Taiwan version, and it seems nice! So decided to watch the Japanese version first.

Two of the songs which I really liked from the show:

The song which I liked from the Taiwan Version:

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Rooftop Prince:)

Recently started watching a korean drama "Rooftop Prince". PRETTY AWESOME! I left a few more episodes to go! A friend recommended this drama to me previously but I chose not to watch it at that time because I thought it's not something I will be interested in watching. But as I run out of dramas to watch, I decided to try out this drama instead. And there's definitely no regret! It is awesome! Just watching the first episode, it already catch my interest and attention:) This drama is definitely worth recommending to others!

Synopsis of the drama: 
When Crown Prince Lee Gak is transported 300 years into the future to present day Seoul along with his three retainers, they believe that it is their duty to solve the murder case of the Crown Princess in order to return to Joseon.
They land in the rooftop apartment of Park Ha, a cheerful woman in her mid-20s, who eventually believes the odd quartet's predicament and becomes their guardian.
As Park Ha educates the four on life in the 21st century, Lee Gak comes across Hong Se Na, who seems to be the reincarnation of his wife.
Taking on the identity of Yong Tae Yong, Lee Gak slowly begins to unravel the murder of Yong Tae Yong and in turn moves closer to solving the murder case of the Crown Princess.
As he finds himself in love with Park Ha, he figures that maybe the Crown Princess was not so perfect after all...

Some songs in the drama:

Thursday, June 6, 2013

This is Life. Take a deep breath and start again..


But even though things might have changed, the memories we shared won't.


This is the real thing behind life. And we will realise this more and more eventually when we slowly grow older. That's why being a kid is a good thing. You won't have to face the cruel world and know what it is like in the adult world.



Tuesday, June 4, 2013

The released of results

Results are out! I cleared! :) Lucky for my HRD. Just nice pass! Looking at the results for HRD, i am so happy that i started bouncing on the chair that my colleagues laughed at me. hahaha. but i am seriously shocked and happy that i cleared! I thought initially that I will fail because I failed my first assignment badly. It is this bad that the odds of passing this module is near to impossible. But thankful that i cleared this module without having to retake this module! phew! This is all possible due to the help of JJ. Thanks to his help! I really really owe him for this! Thankful for him throwing us the float. Without him, I might have sink into the sea. Thanks JJ! :) 

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Chalet @ Aloha Changi (23 - 25 May)

Updates on chalet with colleagues! Awesome time spent there:) how I wish time will not end so fast..

Some photos that are taken: 

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Results about to be out

Just heard news that results should be out on 30 May (Thurs).. Omg! Heart thumping away. This sem is considered one of the worst sem ever. I am praying very hard that I will clear all. I am so scared that I don't even dare to log in to school portals to check when results will be out, for fear that I might accidentally peak at the results which might not be what I expected.

For HRD, even though the percentage of clearing is not high, I still kept myself hoping that I can at least clear. I know that the drop back is too much that I have lack the confidence already. My classmate checked his. His standards are way much higher than us, and yet he only just passed his second assignment. So where does that placed us? I chose not to log in now to view the results. Rather I would prefer to wait until Thursday to view the results all at one shot. Tempted to check but I must hold myself back. 

My colleagues once talked about rewinding the times to the past, to before the chalet, so that we can still have fun and enjoy the long weekends. One of them said to rewind to December. If I could, will I have done things differently? The answer would be "Yes". I would. In terms of school, as well as other aspects. But all is already too late. What's done is done. I can only wait till Thursday to reveal the results. Let this be a lesson. Next sem should not be a repeat of this sem. I will make sure I put in more than 100% effort. 

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

I am the kind of girl...

Came across this photo being posted on Facebook, which is something that is just totally me! I am the kind of girl that even though I am hurt, will not show a trace of being hurt, and still being able to act as per normal. 

Is that a good or a bad thing? Hmm.. 

Hahaha.. Just a random post:P