Sunday, June 30, 2013

Crazy MAC Hello Kitty Craze

I did a crazy thing this month. Queuing for hello kitty at McDonalds!! But it is not because I want the kitty. I queued for my mum. It is the last kitty of the collection and she wants it. So there I was queuing for her. The thing was, when I reached the McDonalds, there were already people queuing up outside for the kitty. Apparently they started queuing from 8pm! In the end, we bought quite a number of kitties on behalf of my friends, and my mum's friends as well.

My colleague also came to join me in the queue a while after I queued. He wanted to get that for his girlfriend. He says that her girlfriend never request for him to get that particular kitty which she liked, but as his girlfriend only liked that kitty, he is willing to queue for her and buy it for her. Says the guy who states otherwise when we say he is one who will treat his partner very good, and dote on her. Hahahaha!

But even though the wait is long, we finally got the kitties, and all of us is happy! :)

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