Friday, July 12, 2013

The 5 Stages Of Having A Crush | Thought Catalog

The 5 Stages Of Having A Crush | Thought Catalog

Stumbled upon this while browsing through Thought Catalog (Link above)..
But it's kinda true. Crushes can be sucky. The grief stages also is true to a certain extent I guess.. This article really makes you think through.. :)

Even though most will follow through the stages in the article, but I think my own version of grief stages for crushes is as follows. It includes some details in the article, with additions, as well as exclusions

1. Denial
I won't ever tell my crush that I like him. Reason being that I am afraid that telling him might results in awkward friendships (if you are friends with your crush). Yes, keeping your feelings deep down might be really sucky, but to prevent awkwardness, I will still continue to not him know and act as per normal. Even though when you know that he might not like you more than friends.

2. Depression
Next stage: Depression. When you finally come into the realization that it's impossible between both of you. Then even though you are keeping it together in front of everyone, you feel sucky inside.

3. Acceptance
Last stage will be acceptance, when you come into terms with the impossible. Yes it might be shocking that the sadness only lasts for a while. And you will be thinking is it because you do not really like him. But after that, there's a chance that you might sink into this process again (all over again from stage 1). But I hope not!


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