Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Updates - 19 July 2013 & 20 July 2013: Dad's Birthday!!

Celebration of my daddy's birthday:) Actually I have lesson that day, but skipped as we had planned a surprise party for him, which we had invited my dad's friend and my aunt. My daddy was not aware of the party. A few days before his birthday, he actually jio us watch the movie, Pacific Rim. He asked us whether will we be free to watch on 18 Jul (1 day before his birthday). I then say I got class. When he say watch on 19 Jul (his birthday), I replied that I also have class on that day even though I know I won't be going for that class! Hahaha! Too bad I can't tell him the truth. Otherwise will spoil the surprise. But we are glad that the surprise was a success on that day! :)

But anyway since my dad really wanted to watch the movie, Pacific Rim, we decided to watch it with him on Saturday midnight! Really nice movie:) 

I hope he really enjoyed his birthday this year! :)

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