Friday, July 12, 2013

Updates - 09 July 2013 (Tuesday)

Finally met up with Shirr who just came back from UK during her school holidays! Didn't get to see her for almost 1 year:(
One day when she was in UK, she whatsapp me to tell me that we have known each other for so many years already. When we went to count, really, it's been so long. I hope that we will stay this close always! <3

We went for the movie, "The Heat". Freaking hilarious especially the mixed up identity because of the hair. We laughed damn hard of that part as it was rather unexpected. I seriously don't mind watching it again. I also don't mind watching it lots of times. It's a really great show to watch if you are feeling stressed or feeling down. I guess it will help in lifting your mood:)

Trailer of the movie below:

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