Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Results about to be out

Just heard news that results should be out on 30 May (Thurs).. Omg! Heart thumping away. This sem is considered one of the worst sem ever. I am praying very hard that I will clear all. I am so scared that I don't even dare to log in to school portals to check when results will be out, for fear that I might accidentally peak at the results which might not be what I expected.

For HRD, even though the percentage of clearing is not high, I still kept myself hoping that I can at least clear. I know that the drop back is too much that I have lack the confidence already. My classmate checked his. His standards are way much higher than us, and yet he only just passed his second assignment. So where does that placed us? I chose not to log in now to view the results. Rather I would prefer to wait until Thursday to view the results all at one shot. Tempted to check but I must hold myself back. 

My colleagues once talked about rewinding the times to the past, to before the chalet, so that we can still have fun and enjoy the long weekends. One of them said to rewind to December. If I could, will I have done things differently? The answer would be "Yes". I would. In terms of school, as well as other aspects. But all is already too late. What's done is done. I can only wait till Thursday to reveal the results. Let this be a lesson. Next sem should not be a repeat of this sem. I will make sure I put in more than 100% effort. 

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