Thursday, December 19, 2013

Christmas BBQ (14 Dec 2013)

Held a BBQ session for Christmas on 14 Dec 2013 (Saturday). We actually played Secret Santa, drawing lots to see who is the person we should get a gift for. HAHA!

However, I actually encountered a "once in a lifetime" experience, which is bbq-ing in the rain! We had just started the fire a while back and a few minutes later, it started raining. Initially we still held umbrellas while trying to bbq, but eventually the rain was too heavy until we gave up and pack up and seek for shelter. Lucky for us, the rain managed to subside, becoming more of a drizzle and we are able to continue:)

My Secret Santa! I actually guessed correctly at the first try. HEHE.
Thanks for the great awesome gift! Love it lots! :)

I am his secret santa! HAHA

With that, I am going to end this post here! Merry Christmas! :)

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