Do you know what kind of temper you have? Are you those kind who are hot-tempered? Or are you the complete opposite? Only one way to find out! Try out this Quiz here: "How's Your Temper"
Below is a screenshot of mine! Rather true. I am always quick in terms of my temper. I might be angry one minute and say things out of anger, but the next, I am okay. So if I say anything out of anger, please don't take it too personally. I just need to vent out. I will be okay after a while. And yea~ I don't hold any grudges unless you hurt me too much? HAHAHA! But so far... nothing much. Not that I can remember of. See~ told you I don't hold grudges! :P

Having said the above, even though it's good that I don't hold grudges and only remain angry for a short period of time (can be in minutes:P), it is actually not good to have quick anger. Reason being you will react to anger immediately and say things you do not mean it to heart and regret it. Some people might also take your words personally. So to me, quick temper to anger is something that I might need to look into and improve upon.
So have a try for yourself to see how's your temper and if it really fits you to a tee:) Maybe you might realize another side to your temper. Before I did this quiz, I would rate my temper as medium range. Neither too hot tempered or very calm. It never occurred to me that my quick in temper! Only after doing this quiz, I felt it's the right word to describe my temper rather than just categorizing it under medium range. LOL. At least I learnt something about my temper now!
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