Monday, July 21, 2014

Daddy's Birthday!

Celebrated my dad's birthday during the weekends. A mini celebration. Time flies, I still remembered us holding a surprise party at home for him last year. And now it's his birthday again! Haha! And so, here's some of the updates:

Soccer Theme Cake made specially by my mum. First attempt at making the soccer theme cake. And a surprise for my dad! I guess he did not expect it since my mum had told him she will be baking a fruit flavour cake for him. Cheeky mummy:P 

Here's how the cake looks like after being cut out. Colours!!
Sorry that it looks ugly after being cut out. haha.. 

Hope my dad enjoyed himself even though he is feeling a little under the weather recently. Hope he get well soon!

And look at my cheeky cousin! HAHAHA!

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