Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Time Waits For No Men

And once again, it's the month of June! This means I will yet again be one year older than before! :(
I finally get what people have been saying. That once you pass the age of 21, your life will zoom past like a rocket. Before you know it, you are already a few years older. That is so exactly what I am feeling. Like they say, "Time and tide waits for no men". Very extremely true. And you start wondering what you have been doing all these years, and you realized that there were not much major accomplishments. For me, I guess it's only the completion of my degree course.

So now with my degree in check, what now? This is something I have been thinking so far. Before completion of degree course, my goal in life is to persevere through the tough life of studying part-time and getting the piece of certificate that will open up doors to more opportunities. But now, I am no longer sure of my next goal. To find career progression? To find a partner? Or what? This is definitely something to start thinking about and doing something about it..

A song to listen to! 我不想我不想不想长大~

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