Friday, June 13, 2014

Stepping Out Of Our Comfort Zones & Embrace Uncertainties

I guess everyone will eventually reach a point where they have to leave their familiar and cosy enclosed space into the outside. Stepping away from the safety net that was always there to catch us when we fall and not expose us to pain. Many would rather not stay away from the safety net and rainbow-filled carefree life, but we have no choice.

Reality is in such a way that we have to step out of it somehow, into the city of wilderness. Here, you will never know what will be happening next. You will not know what lies in front of you. You will encounter many obstacles and you have to make choices and decide on your next course of action which are most likely to affect you subsequently be it in a good way or a bad way. The choice and decision lies in your own hands. Making decisions and choices given the grey area of circumstances and outcomes. And this require lots of courage.  

Yes it may take leaps of courage, but don’t wait until it’s too late to change anything and regret the things you didn’t do or decisions you didn't make or things you didn't cherish. Stop waiting to be ready to do something. It’s time to be be brave and step out of your comfort zone and embrace the uncertainties. Sometimes the person holding you back is yourself~

Just keep reminding yourself that life is never smooth-sailing. It’s like a sail boat in the middle of the sea. There will always be obstacles around and choices to be made to overcome them. But ultimately, you will be able to get out of the web of obstacles and see the beautiful horizon view in the end! :)

P.S. Just some random thoughts.. 

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