Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Annual BBQ Gathering (10 Sept 2016)

Once again the time have come for our annual meetup for BBQ. Lucky for us, it's bright and sunny for us this year:) 

Definitely a first!! The previous times had been met with pouring rain either before the start of our BBQ or midway - which had us stranded at the shelter and freezing cold with the strong wind blowing. 

Group Photo before it gets dark. Missing a few other guys:P

An incident occurred halfway through the bbq - a mini fire. Me and Kt was at the pit while the rest of them are seated at the table when it happened. When we told them about the fire, they still thought we were joking! Lolol. 

Mini Fire!!

JH to the rescue...

Our special edition of (moon)cake to celebrate everyone's birthday 2016! 

And as per usual gathering, of course won't be missing out on alcoholic drinks and card games! 

At the start I am the first to get the "triple 7" penalty. And another "I can't remember what" penalty. That initially my friends said my feng shui not good and asked if I wanted to change seat instead (since I am seated beside JH). Dangerous to sit beside the guys since they pro:P 
But I told them I believe in 奇迹 (miracle) so I remain my seat. 
And it was proven! I had JH drinking in 3 consecutive turns 😂 Super hilarious lahh~

So sometimes it's better to persevere and not give up. Miracles do happen :P
HAHA! Can't wait for our next gathering :)

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