Monday, November 16, 2015

鸡同鸭讲 Chicken and Duck Talk

Monday once again. but it's not that bad today since time is passing rather fast today. 

Funny incident that happen this afternoon. My friend was telling me of her purchase of cushion online:

Friend: wow heng ah. My cushion not that heavy. 1.74kg.
Me: Cushion 1.74kg??? What cushion is that?!?! Tie Zhuo de ah (Meaning made of metal)?
Friend: Wait ah. I show you. [And she screenshot me the picture of the cushion - which is just the ordinary kind of cushion]
Me: But this cushion is 1.74kg?? Kg or grams?
Friend: Kg. I bought 5 for my new sofa.
Me: So it's 5 for 1.74kg or 1 for 1.74kg? Difference very big leh.
Friend: 5 for 1.74kg.
Me: Omgggg you scare me. I tot 1 for 1.74kg. Chehhh~
Friend: hahaha. you ben ben de.
Me: You only state cushion leh. Not cushions. Tsk tsk.
Friend: hahahaha. oops.

Seriously? I thought what cushion is that to have weigh that heavy. And turns out that my friend is talking about 5 cushions in total. Seriously roll eyes at her. Don't know to laugh at this or to be angry at her. Talking about the same thing yet different quantity~ Hahahaha! Something to chase away Monday blues:P

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