Saturday, August 12, 2017

Hello August

And believe it or not, it's August already! 
I just realized that this year, I had only posted one post so far? *insert shocking face!* 

Now that I found out that there's a lot of things which I haven't update in this site, seriously I had no idea how to proceed to update. Have been busy and even though I am free, I rather just chill and not turning on my laptop to blog etc. Lazy me:P

But that's also because the blogger app no longer support mobile blogging on the go. Part of the reason why I created a wordpress account too:P
You can access my wordpress account (which is the same name as my dayre account). HAHA. 

This year have really been a year that encompasses quite a number of changes and uncertainties. But of course I am not going to list those out since sharing here might means disclosing to the public. Certain things not meant to be shared so openly to public :P

Let me try to update some happenings recently perhaps in the next few posts? Best to my memory LOL. 

A song that I am hooked to the tune. Rather catchy~ 

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