Sunday, July 9, 2017

Bii With You 2017 (17 Jun 2017)

Attended Bii Concert with my sister. 
So end up, we bought the tickets to the concert instead:P

Some snapshots taken at the concert below:


The group photo at the end! Too small to even spot! hahaha

There's quite a few interaction activities whereby the crowd had the chance to go up on stage to engage in games with Bii. They actually had some stickers pasted under the seats. And they will draw numbers. So if your number gets called out, you can then go up on stage. So basically having the stickers means that there's a chance. Too bad~ we didn't even have this slightest chance. But then it's funny how you see them playing games. I am contented :)

You wanna know when I start to know of Bii? 

It actually started from this song below. From the taiwan drama - 真愛黑白配.

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