Monday, December 4, 2017

Wait what, It's December already?!

They say every time October comes, the rest of the months (November and December) will zoom past like a flash of light. Do you agree with that? Well, I guess I do agree. It's passing by way too fast that my mind can process. Inside my mind, I keep thinking that there's time. And I will only register the truth whenever I check the calendar. And then the cycle repeats HAHA! 

I was just reading back on some of the previous blog posts I posted. It's nice to read back on previous happenings - some of which you have already forgotten or put to the back of your mind. I know that I haven't been blogging often as compared to last time (or rather the previous years). Maybe I should keep that on track. Will try to blog often despite being busy (or rather busy being lazy) :P

With the end of the year coming up, it's time to do up our new year resolution once again. Not sure if I did fulfill my resolutions every year though. Maybe I should take some time to do some reflections. 

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