So fast it's already mid of the year already, means I'm going to be one year older soon!
NOOO! Can't I just remain this age and not grow any older?
My friend was saying one year ago we were talking about things we want to accomplish by this year before our birthdays. But then look where we are now? Accomplish some but not some others. Same same but different in some way I guess? How I wish I am forever 21!
Forever 21 to be the carefree and happy girl always~ without having to be troubled by age. :P
So... Where exactly did the time go to?
Hmm.... Let's just start with this past half year...
For the past half a year, some things have happened that resulted in life changes. Some of it that had more impact in me will be learning and exploring new things, taking up another job offer and resigning from my previous company (aka my comfort zone already).
Have been in my new company for 2 weeks already and I'm still in the process of learning on-the-job at my new workplace and it requires some getting used to. Of course everything will be different, such as the environment, the job duties, the people, etc. Starting everything afresh and it totally reminds me of how I felt when I joined my previous company previously. HAHA! That, my ex-colleagues will know:P
In the meantime, I shall keep fighting and hope for the best in my new job and career.

And as for the learning and exploring new things, one example will be taking up a 3 months Ukelele lessons of which next week will be the last lesson already. It was pretty fast paced with learning different strumming methods and songs every week. But then..... I still can't play the ukelele while singing. My coordination is not there yet - if I sing and play the ukelele at the same time, my strumming will go haywire and my focus will be on the singing part only! HAHA! I guess I am not the only one. All of us find ourselves struggling when the teacher start singing. But we are improving. Not like the first few lessons where we are all like lost sheeps (strumming go haywire) when the teacher started singing.
Other than this, there's also some others. Overall, it was fun experiences and also sort of an "alone" time to do something of my interests. Some of my friends were amazed at my independence in registering for such classes by myself. HAHA! They were like "Sherry, you changed". Is it? But isn't it the same as registering for volunteering work alone? Like last year's Sea Games. Of course it might be scary attending such classes/ volunteering work alone for the first few days initially. But after that few days, it starts to get better:)
But maybe it's true that I am dependent on others usually. I would of course choose to attend classes or other activities with someone I know rather than alone most of the time. HAHA! So maybe that's a little step I am taking to independence? But regardless of these things I do/ lessons I attended, I am still dependence on others! :P
Before JUNE comes around tomorrow, a song to listen to: