Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Hello September~

And a month had passed and it’s now September already! Time really flies and soon it will be another year. I hope that by then, I am able to accomplish something in my life (ie. some of my goals).

With the end of August, basically my key highlight will be the volunteer experience for OCBC Cycle on 30 Aug 2015. 

It’s not my first volunteering experience, but it’s definitely the first time I had volunteered for an overnight event where shuttle bus service was provided to us at 12.30am and the whole shift will end at 11am. Initially my plan was to catch some sleep after heading out with my friend on 29 Aug. But it never did happen. Haha! So in the end, I didn’t manage to sleep from 29 Aug where I woke up at around 10am till next day on 30 Aug when I reach home at around 1pm.

Saw a few people from Sea Games, some of which I don’t really know. So this event serves as another bonding session for us :P

Funny how we were whatsapp-ing within the sea games group chat, keeping tab of where each of us are stationed at and sharing updates on the event from our stations. Funny how before the race starts, we all are taking and sharing pictures of the round moon from each of our stations as well! That’s how bored we are since there’s nothing we can do before the race starts. Have to keep busy otherwise the more we feel like dozing off.
Preview of the pictures of Moon taken by different people

So… I actually managed to tahan till around 9 plus and thereafter totally zombiefied mode. When the bus came to pick us up at our respective stations to report back at Stadium, all of us KO and slept inside the bus. Lucky for the short nap, we are all feeling much better back at Stadium and chatted while waiting for lunch. :)
Overall not too bad! Some cyclists were friendly and yelling good morning while passing by our station! :) So looking forward to our next overnight event together very soon. Heehee.

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