Friday, September 25, 2015

Company Dinner & Dance 2015

Attended our company's Dinner & Dance 2015 at Joyden Hall on 18 Sept (Friday). Theme for this year is Fifty Shades of Singapura. Wide arrays of possibilities for dressing up for this particular theme, ranging from dressing up according to the olden days to the existing dressing style. Maybe can consider dressing up in t-shirt, shorts and slippers! Typical Singaporean style!!! :P

But anyway, we didn't dress according to theme. Hehe. We just planned to all wear black and just go and have fun.. Main thing is to try to see if we are able to win the lucky draw top prizes. 

We got to be released from work at 3pm. And DND will start at 7pm with the pre-games starting from 6pm onwards till 7pm where there's free flow ice cream and there's also the photo booth! Even though we get to be released at 3pm to go back and do the necessary preparations, it's still quite rushed! I only had time to travel home and wash up and also do my makeup and then I have to rush out again! Rather rush...

Anyways, some of the pictures we took:

Our group like shrinking:( lesser and lesser with each year since most have moved on. Wondering who will be the last one standing or will we be attending together next year... Hmm.. 

While the first dishes was served, they actually showed the pre-drawn lucky draw winners from #51 to #85 on the screen. At first I thought I was not in the last few and was glad for that since it means still got chance for the top prizes. But then something prompted me to re-check again and then..... I saw I was in the #82 prize. No more chance for the top prizes already:( 

But better than nothing I guess. At least we won something aka vouchers. Hehe. And most important thing is to just bond and have fun. Super entertaining activities were being laid out for us, ranging from competing games, dancing by the best dressed individuals who are being shortlisted, magic show, etc... The activities and games being lined up for us this year were not bad! I feel that it's even better than last year!


Monday, September 14, 2015

Election Weekend

It's been a long weekend due to Friday being a voting day! Nothing much happenings on Friday except my first experience at voting and just nua-ing since I won't have much rest on Saturday and Sunday:P

12 Sept 2015 (Saturday) 

Ilao Ilao early in the morning at Wisma! There's no queue since it's still pretty early. 
Thereafter I went to meet XH for the event at Mandarin Orchard Hotel.

Laneige Collagen Drink

Tried the Laneige Collagen Drink! Tasted nice and without the fishy smell and taste despite their main ingredient coming from fish! But of course the price is not really cheap as compared to other brands. It actually costs $52 for 10 bottles, which equals to $156 per month intake. 

We actually mix it with orange juice which you cannot even taste that there's collagen inside - it just tasted like orange juice. If you had let your friends drink, I bet they won't know there's collagen added inside:P 

Tempted to start drinking collagen! But I am scared that there's side effects:x 

Safra Run 2015 Volunteer
Had previously applied for the volunteer work at Safra Run with some of my sea games friends and we are supposed to report to Sentosa Boardwalk at 11.30pm on 12 Sept (Saturday). 

Met up with my sea games friends earlier at around 10.30pm to chill around first. There's no way I can sleep anyways given the timing since I was also out to attend the event in the late afternoon. Gonna be zombie mode again since it will be another 24 hrs without sleep once more.
Photo taken while waiting for the shuttle bus which will bring us into Sentosa. Rather dark but then this is the only photo we took where everyone is in! The rest is just parts and pieces :P

Chilling at RWS McDonalds after reporting and all.

A cuppa tea to stay awake. Not that it will help, but earlier on I already had some coffee. So didn't want another cup of coffee....

We waited from around 1am till 4 plus in the morning doing basically nothing! The race will only start at 7am and we are not sure why they require us to report so early. Waiting and doing nothing makes us even more tired and shag. Reason being the haze is rather bad and they need to monitor the situation and confirm by 5am if the race is still to be continued or postpone.

In the end, they decided to go ahead with the run. And we are placed at various locations inside USS.

Late night view of USS. Scary much? It actually got the Halloween feel... This photo is taken using my friend's phone camera. The rest of us tried taking but can't really see anything since it's rather dark.

View on the inside using my phone camera!

We got a picture with Transformer after the whole run while on the way out to report back to our leader.

The hazy view from the Steamboat place @ Vivocity which we got seated while waiting for the restaurant to operate (since it only commence at 11am). The staff was nice enough to let us sit inside and wait instead even though we are half an hour early!

Photo taken by another friend while waiting. We are just too shag le lah. A short nap might do us a lil help.

It's Finally MAKAN Time!~

So basically, in a nutshell, this is what makes up my long weekend! Fulfilling time spent yet shag! :) 

Thursday, September 10, 2015


"When you're gone  
 The pieces of my heart are missing you
 When you're gone
 The face I came to know is missing too
 When you're gone
 The words I need to hear
 To always get me through the day
 And make it okay
 I miss you"


Never have I thought that it would be this way. Was chatting with a good friend of mine about something I am randomly trying out recently. And the question that she later posed to me was beyond my shock. When I am trying that out, I didn't realise what I had missed out/ not think about. Maybe things were already changing back then. Yes, back then~! On one hand, it was something worth celebrating, but on the other hand, it had inflicted pain on me. 
We are wishing for things to be back but it's going to be near to impossible isn't it? Do not only learn to cherish things and see the importance of things only when you lose it or when it's already too late.

Sometimes you just had to take certain risks in life....

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Hello September~

And a month had passed and it’s now September already! Time really flies and soon it will be another year. I hope that by then, I am able to accomplish something in my life (ie. some of my goals).

With the end of August, basically my key highlight will be the volunteer experience for OCBC Cycle on 30 Aug 2015. 

It’s not my first volunteering experience, but it’s definitely the first time I had volunteered for an overnight event where shuttle bus service was provided to us at 12.30am and the whole shift will end at 11am. Initially my plan was to catch some sleep after heading out with my friend on 29 Aug. But it never did happen. Haha! So in the end, I didn’t manage to sleep from 29 Aug where I woke up at around 10am till next day on 30 Aug when I reach home at around 1pm.

Saw a few people from Sea Games, some of which I don’t really know. So this event serves as another bonding session for us :P

Funny how we were whatsapp-ing within the sea games group chat, keeping tab of where each of us are stationed at and sharing updates on the event from our stations. Funny how before the race starts, we all are taking and sharing pictures of the round moon from each of our stations as well! That’s how bored we are since there’s nothing we can do before the race starts. Have to keep busy otherwise the more we feel like dozing off.
Preview of the pictures of Moon taken by different people

So… I actually managed to tahan till around 9 plus and thereafter totally zombiefied mode. When the bus came to pick us up at our respective stations to report back at Stadium, all of us KO and slept inside the bus. Lucky for the short nap, we are all feeling much better back at Stadium and chatted while waiting for lunch. :)
Overall not too bad! Some cyclists were friendly and yelling good morning while passing by our station! :) So looking forward to our next overnight event together very soon. Heehee.