Thursday, February 5, 2015

Rant And Move On

And further to the post earlier, regardless of the problems or setbacks, life still goes on. Things won't stop in its tracks for you. 

After the ranting out and reaching a decision , I am finally feeling more carefree already after a good night sleep:) That's how the way I am. After ranting out and all, I will move on or forget. 

So anyway, updates so far.. I have dyed my hair red this year! Second time dye-ing my hair. Last year was the brown colour, safest colour since it's my first attempt at dye-ing. And this year, I still go back to the colour I most wanted to dye since last year. And that is Red! Of course not those bright red.. I don't think I can accept the sudden change to brighter colour. I dyed a darker shade of red. And even so, I took a while to get used to this colour:P

Happy Thursday everyone! One more day to the weekends~ :)

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