With the soon-to-be changes, and the preparations that will lead to it, to tell the truth, I have conflicting feelings.
One side of me is feeling rather positive about it and actually looking forward to it. I get to learn more things from the change. It might not be a bad thing to learn something new that might be useful in future. Of course there will be the challenges of having to absorb new information, but it will be alright in the end. Another factor is also that I still get to stay with most people that matters.
The other side is being worried about the uncertainty. Rather normal feeling since we do not know what really to expect and how things will turn out to be with changes. And partly also missing those in in-svc. Missing all the regular disturbing, joking around and gossiping and everything. Even though will see them around, but maybe things might be different from how it is now? I also have no idea.
But even so, I hope that this change is for the best. Hope that it's more of a good thing rather than the negative side...
So, we shall wait around and see. Since it will be effected in another 2 months more. But of course feeling the stress now because of the OJT, having to do up the slides and conducting of trainings in front of groups of people inclusive of the head. Hopefully all will go well during the sessions.