Friday, May 30, 2014

Day 1 Part 3: Bangkok Trip (May 2014)

And the next part is at Terminal 21! The theme over there is real interesting! Each levels reflects totally different themes that are unique in its own way. And not forgetting toilets as well. Even the toilet have their own theme and the cleaners also wearing uniforms that matched the theme. We went to explore but the most interesting toilet theme is the Bakery Restroom! And so the photos presenting the Bakery Restroom:

Some other themes as well: 

Ended the day back at the hotel where we freshen up before going for Thai massage. They actually close at 12am but lucky they still accept walk-ins at 11 plus. My first time trying Thai massage and it's not too bad:) Especially shiok after a long day of walking! Sore shoulders and legs!

And that marks the end of Day 1!! :) 

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