Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Goodbye 2013 & Hello 2014~~~!

First day of 2014! How are you spending this awesome day? 
I actually did up a short video (as shown below) of some photos taken in 2013 yesterday, taking a moment to think about all the things that had happened during 2013 that had made me who I am now. However, the video is lacking some photos of people whom I had met up with. Shall remember to take photos with them this year then! Looking through various stuffs, I realised that I had missed out some good memories photos inside the video below. But nonetheless, I hope that 2014 is a better year!

Awesome countdown party at Marina Bay last night especially towards the end, with the performance of "The Wanted" and Wang Li Hong:)

The Wanted!!

And that's all for the updates! Enjoy the new year! Hope that 2014 is an even awesome year for everyone:)

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