Monday, November 19, 2012


Lots of things had happened since the last time I blogged. Both Happy and Stressful incidents.
I think I should just skipped those negative incidents, and just highlight the happy and enjoyable ones! Haha.

----> Met up with JiaJia and QQ during Deepavali (13 Nov 2012)! Went to watch Skyfall:)

Saturday (17 Nov 2012), met up with Uni friends for K-Session. Our only K-session where everyone is around, ever since the end of our exams. Hehe! Awesome time!! Hope we have more of such gatherings again!!

Anyway, Results will be out next week. I hereby wish that all of us will clear and happily attend QQ's wedding together!!:) Good luck!!!!!

Last but not least before I end, haha, I will be making an important decision tomorrow. I had previously finalised it, but tomorrow will be the date of confirmation. I am gonna miss the memories and will cherish and remember it forever. :)

Here is one song for everyone to listen to:

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