Sunday, June 21, 2020

March 2020 Taiwan Trip - Day 5 (Taipei - Bitan Scenic Area; Elephant Mountain; Taipei 101)

Rise and shine!

First stop of the day: Bitan Scenic Area. From Ximen station, we have to take the train to Xindian station. After exiting the station, you will just have to cross a road and you will be able to find the place.

It was a hot and sunny day when we went there. It would be shiok if the weather had been cold.

This looks familiar?
Common sight when you watch Taiwan dramas when the young couple go on dates on such swan boat. 

At the bridge on our way to explore the area before coming back to take the water bike (aka Swan boat).

We decided to go up the to the Hemei Peak Rest Area. We asked other people coming down, and they said it took around 15 minutes? 
But it sure was a long walk up since it's hot and sunny and the walk up is filled with lots of steps.

Finally we arrive at Hemei Peak Rest Area.. Tiring~

One side of the view at Hemei Peak Rest Area. Can you spot Taipei 101 in the far end?

The other side of the view at Hemei Peak Rest Area

After taking some rest, we decided to go down via the other route towards Double-Heart Plaza and to True Love Wharf based on the map. This time it was a downwards flight of steps, so it wasn't as tiring as the climb up earlier on.

But guess what? It was the wrong choice! Cuz this route towards the Double-Heart Plaza was a one way route. Meaning we have to climb back up the flight of steps we came down from, and then continue to climb down from the main route we took earlier on when climbing up towards Hemei Peak Rest Area!

We only found out when we reached the Double-Heart Plaza and the people there told us. They also thought that there's a route that can lead them back to the Bitan Scenic area from here. Haiz... Imagine how tired we were and happy that we were finally near to the exit point, only to hear this news. And looking at the flight of steps up, boy I nearly fainted. hahahah.

Nevertheless, we took a picture here first. Since we are already here.
Then suck thumb, make our way back up.

And then we rented the Swan boat, choosing the self pedal one where we get 1 hour of time on the boat.

And time to fill our stomach.


Pizza and Baked Rice. Yummy!

And see what we saw. Someone bringing his skunk out for a walk! Cute much!

Does the skunk like papaya milk?
It sure does look like it. Isnt it? haha.

And next is to Elephant Mountain. 
Not sure if we are pretty adventurous that day. We still went ahead to climb the Elephant Mountain after the Hemei Peak and pedaling on the Swan boat. 

Beginning the climb

Not going to post the picture of us with Taipei 101. Our faces pretty much shag to the max. This climb up was real tiring. We should have come back on a separate day haha. 

And then we went to Taipei 101 for dinner and explore a bit before heading back to Ximending.

Bought my Sweet Potato Ball

And then I eat a bit feel that it's not enough, I went back to buy another packet haha

And before heading back to hotel, we also drop by Watson to get Salonpas. Our legs are in need of that. 

And mixing with this which I brought to Taiwan. 

That's all for the adventurous experience!

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