Friday, January 4, 2019

Hello 2019!


Should have been a great start into the new year. But not exactly for me. I actually fell sick on the first day of new year. It started with throat infection which then slowly evolves to flu and cough, then subsequently to fever on 03 Jan 2019 (which I then have 2 days MC). So now I am at home resting, clearing emails and surfing net. 

But if you think positively, it means I only start work in 2019 only on 07 Jan (Monday)! Woohoo~ super long break for me. 

I had not started work on 02 Jan since we took leave to accompany my brother to Tekong. They actually allow up to 4 family members to head in with him to see see look look around - giving us a tour around and brief us on some information, before ending with a lunch. 

Can't wait to make many more memories in 2019! 
View taken at Tekong Petty area :)

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