Saturday, December 21, 2019

hello I'm back

And suddenly feeling like returning to blogging. And I was kinda shocked when I opened my blog - I didn't post anything until now!

I have a lot to update here, especially recently, but maybe I will do the updates selective abs one step at a time. Maybe shall update more often next year~ 

Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Buddy Bunny

Oh, i think the main highlight that I have not updated in my blog, is pretty much about our bunny! Newly introduced in 2018 - Chinese New Year period! HAHA!

My brother wanted a bunny very much (other than dog), and my parents and him came across this cute little bunny. And there you go, here he is! I was not aware that they are buying, until I came home from work and saw this little one at home! 

See how small and tiny he is! Cute much <3

And thereafter we went Bangkok during the March holidays hence have to do research on rabbit hotels that could helped us take care of him while we were overseas. In the end, I managed to find one that had quite good reviews, and they even update you daily on your bunny. They pretty much provided a space for your bunny (individual space), and food etc. 

One day before we fly off, we sent him to the lodging place.

His first car ride :P 
He looks so scared inside the cage. So I opened up the cage and let him out. 

Still pretty much scared....

Sending him to the lodging place feels like sending your kid to school. Worried about him and yet no choice to leave him at the lodging place. And then you start to miss him the moment you are out of the lodging place. It's like feeling a bit of emptiness/ something missing. 

So yeah, you can't imagine how glad I was when finally we fetched him home. He had been well fed over there. Gain a bit of weight! But wells~ he's growing up. 

Initially his size. Half of the cage.
He looked like a shiok here ahh~

His favourite position initially.
At least up until he grew bigger in size and his head can't really fit in between? HAHA. 

Backview of him entering his cage.
I actually let him out to run around the corridor, but then... this lazy bum just want to jump back into his cage and just lie there *speechless*

And due to him growing bigger in size, we decided to give him an upgrade. Bought a 3 storey cage to allow him to jump around (with the hope that he will lose a bit of weight). 

But see, he just lie there only. How to lose weight like that?

And the below picture was him after scratching me. Always get scratched by him most of the time when he struggled when you are carrying him. He just do not like people to carry him. 

Usually, the scratch will just cause redness and will subside after a while. 
This time round was more serious due to the impact from his hind legs when he jumped off from my leg. First time I put him on my leg and well, I kind of didn't think that much. So now, I got a 2 scratch scar. Though it's lighter now, but I still can see the scar :(

But well, I still am in love with his cutie one nevertheless <3

By the way, after he grew bigger, we can then tell his gender - it's a girl. Actually can tell a bit since he seems very xiao qi and show attitude at times. 

But nevertheless, I still like to call him boy boy :P

To end off this post, here's a picture of him in the astronaut bag. Hahaha. 

This is without the astronaut cover. Since there will be reflection if I cover it.
So I removed that first, in order to snap a pic of him.
Here's him striking a pose for me to take picture. Too many to choose from haha. 

Friday, January 4, 2019

Hello 2019!


Should have been a great start into the new year. But not exactly for me. I actually fell sick on the first day of new year. It started with throat infection which then slowly evolves to flu and cough, then subsequently to fever on 03 Jan 2019 (which I then have 2 days MC). So now I am at home resting, clearing emails and surfing net. 

But if you think positively, it means I only start work in 2019 only on 07 Jan (Monday)! Woohoo~ super long break for me. 

I had not started work on 02 Jan since we took leave to accompany my brother to Tekong. They actually allow up to 4 family members to head in with him to see see look look around - giving us a tour around and brief us on some information, before ending with a lunch. 

Can't wait to make many more memories in 2019! 
View taken at Tekong Petty area :)