Wednesday, April 15, 2015


Totally dislike the feeling of having to wait outside the emergency department in the hospital. The feeling of not knowing and having to see the different different scenes such as people crying and praying outside, or people in great pain while waiting for someone to attend to them. The second one is the one that made me even scared when I am outside there waiting. And that's what I encountered earlier just now. 

We were just sitting around waiting since there's nothing we can do except to wait - wait for an available ward for admission. Then there was this guy in a wheelchair who was in great pain seeing the muffled cry when the pain had kicked in, and the sweat on his face. We saw. And I was also scared - scared of the pain. Can totally feel his pain was terribly intense. 

I really can't deal with all these. Since young. Hopefully everything will be alright! 

Saturday, April 11, 2015

Things Might Not Be The Way How You See It

I have to say that I am very impressed with the girl! Her staying firm despite being despise by everyone, and all for what she had planned in the end... She is very brave, choosing to attend the program in this way, having to withstand the stress of everyone despising her and also misunderstanding her.

Initially when I start watching this, I was literally rolling my eyes at the way she is acting. It's too much then what I can take. Cannot stand it totally. But towards the end, when she finally disclosed her true self that I am stun. Not just me, I think everyone will be shock. And further more her reasoning of why she did this - just so "only" he can see her true self. 

Quick to judge might be the nature of most of us. We tend to look at things and think towards the direction we think it should be. Sometimes things might look like what you think, what in reality, it might not even be so. That is when misunderstandings exist. 

Take for example a scene in a drama I had watched: Two guys was quarreling inside the room, and in the midst of fighting they landed up on top of each other, and was still fighting. Just then, the door open. They froze. But the person who saw them on top is quick to judge from that scenario, thinking that they are doing something inappropriate. That's how misunderstandings happen. If that person who saw the scene had clarified with the two guys, maybe the person will then know it's all just a misunderstanding. 

So, to end off this post, just wanna to say that things might not be the way how you see it! Don't be too quick to judge based on what you think it should be.