Thursday, October 16, 2014


I'm not sure if I am thinking too much? Things have not been going on smoothly recently. Or maybe that's what I thought? Or maybe my brain is not performing up to standards? :P 
I just don't know how to go about explaining. But I just feel the sian-ness slowly creeping up on me recently. 

Today is the worst I think... Let me see...
I overslept this morning.
My mum prepared breakfast for me so by right I don't have to buy breakfast this morning. I can only get tea and that's all. But I am not sure what was going on in my head. I went to buy bee hoon and only realized my mistake after paying for it! My brain really not processing well seriously -.-
And also other stuff, but I am not going to elaborate all of them here of course.

And also:

But nevertheless, not going to let all these get me down. I'm sure things will get better.
Like what others say, if things are not smooth at the moment, this is not the end. Better things will come and I am sure looking forward to the rainbow after the rain, even though it's only a tiny glimpse of it. 

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