Monday, December 30, 2013

Ending of 2013


Time really really flies! It's almost 2014, marking the end of 2013.. At this current juncture, what are your thoughts about the new year? Many would have tried to come up with a list of new year resolutions and doing reflections on the current year and setting new goals for the new year. Are you also one of them who would do so?

I guess it's good to reflect on the past as for all you know, you might be able to learn something from there. So since it is just one day away from counting down to 2014, maybe you would like to take some time to reflect and come up with new year resolutions? :)

For me personally, the new year will means we are getting older:( Sad case. Now I know what people meant by once you reach 21, the rest of the years after that will zoom by extremely fast! I seriously have no idea how I survived through, how I spent my days, etc... One word to describe - Scaryyyy..

Basically, if you ask me, I feel that year 2013 had been a year with ups and downs. But I am glad that eventually, everything turns out well. I survived through the tiring part-time studies regime with the extremely close projects deadlines. I had finally completed my degree studies and is waiting for the graduation in around Aug 2014! In 2013, there are people whom I had gotten closer with , as well as those that I had drifted away from. Like some people say, life is like a bus ride. In a bus ride, there will always be those who will board the bus halfway, some who will alight somewhere, as well as some who will accompany you to the end. Even though some might alight halfway, they also taught you something in the process. As such, I am thankful for those people who had come into my life, especially those who stayed:)

I actually have yet to come up with my list of new year resolutions.. Hmm.. Should really start working on that!

Nonetheless, I hope that the year 2014 is a good year for everyone! :)

Saturday, December 28, 2013

Post-Christmas Celebration at d' Good Cafe

Girls' night out to d' Good Cafe :)

The cafe is really a great place to chill and catch up with friends with the chillax ambience. The location is also easily accessible, within walking distance from Holland Village MRT (Exit from exit B). However, they do not accept reservations and the place usually gets crowded at night usually after work. The cafe had two levels of seating area which is divided into 4 concepts - The Bar, The Lawn, The Attic and The Balcony!
Credits: D Good Cafe Website

While we were there, we occupied the tables at The Attic Area where they actually have a small area consisting of 2 beanie cushions with 3 large teddy bears! Cosy corner and interesting indeed! Pictures of it below:

The concepts are just so nice:) I will definitely re-visit this cafe again next time. Love it!

Should you be interested to visit this café, their details are as shown below:
Address: 273 Holland Avenue #02-01/02 Singapore 278992
Operating Hours:
Sunday to Thursday: 10am to 10pm
Friday & Saturday: 10am to 11pm

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Christmas BBQ (14 Dec 2013)

Held a BBQ session for Christmas on 14 Dec 2013 (Saturday). We actually played Secret Santa, drawing lots to see who is the person we should get a gift for. HAHA!

However, I actually encountered a "once in a lifetime" experience, which is bbq-ing in the rain! We had just started the fire a while back and a few minutes later, it started raining. Initially we still held umbrellas while trying to bbq, but eventually the rain was too heavy until we gave up and pack up and seek for shelter. Lucky for us, the rain managed to subside, becoming more of a drizzle and we are able to continue:)

My Secret Santa! I actually guessed correctly at the first try. HEHE.
Thanks for the great awesome gift! Love it lots! :)

I am his secret santa! HAHA

With that, I am going to end this post here! Merry Christmas! :)